Sunday, February 27, 2011

Have you tired the Ab Circle Pro? My unbiased review

After spending some time on the ab circle pro I must say I was quite impressed with the results. �As a veteran of exercise equipment for the last 20 years I have seen and tried about everything out there aside from that $15k machine they advertise in finance magazines that claims a 4 minute workout! � This includes all the diet, workout program and other things that have come and gone over the years so I would say I am qualified to give a review. � I went ahead and gave it a try and after about 10 days I can say I am very impressed. �Not only have I lost weight on the scale but I have actually lose body fat percentage and several inches from my waist. � Now I must say you can?t buy this and eat 4000 calories a day and expect the machine to ?fix? all the damage that you are doing but if you eat a reasonable meal and use it regularly I am almost certain you will get at least some results.
When you first get your machine there is some minor assembly needed but nothing too difficult here. � A simple turn of a few screws and it?s ready to go, you can be doing your first workout in no time. � Now I must caution if you not done any type of ab work before this will be very hard so I advise to take it slow as you are really targeting that area and can hurt yourself. �You will really start to ?feel the burn? with this device and that usually is how you know something is really starting to work. � Remember we all have abs like you see on sexy tv ads for this stuff the problem is most of us have too much body fat in order for them to become visible. �In order to actually see them you need to get down to about 12% body fat which is not easy considering most of the population is 30% or more. � In conclusion though I will say that this product does do what it?s advertised to do. � If you would like to order one for yourself then click below and try it. � �You really have nothing to lose it?s only $14.95 to give a try!� Get the Ab Circle Now!
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